How is your site SEO performing? Let us tell you.


Our SEO Audit is a good way to get a sense of how your site is doing from an SEO structural perspective. It can also help launch discussions about your marketing challenges and opportunities. Plus, there is absolutely no obligation on your part.

Components of our complimentary SEO site audit include:

Site Structural Issues

Your website’s overall structural and technical health is important for search engine optimization. We scan for issues related to broken links, content, site speed, link accessibility, and crawlability. Any issues discovered in the technical audit are divided into three groups based on severity: Errors (highest severity), Warnings, and Notices.

Structured Data

A standardized way of formatting content. For SEO, structured data, also known as micro formatting, allows search engines to better understand what your business or website offers and share that information with users.

Domain Authority

A way of grading your domain’s overall maturity. We evaluate a snapshot of your link profile and spam profile, to make sure your website isn’t blacklisted from poor link building tactics.

Mobile Experience

Mobile usability is one of the most important factors search engines consider and accounts for most of the recent algorithm updates. We utilize a grading utility that reviews certain technical requirements conducive to a mobile-friendly website.

Page Speed

We grade page load performance on both desktop and mobile, to identify any areas of improvement. Better page load speeds will help with bounce rate and time on site, which can directly influence organic positioning and visibility.

Site Security

Magento websites can sometimes be vulnerable to hacking. We review your site to check for Blacklisting, Malware, Injected Spam, Defacement, and Website Firewall.

Interested in knowing how your site SEO is performing?