The Day to Update or Migrate is Today

Experts You Can Count On

Our Approach

Whether your webstore is host to a simple online storefront or it’s a complex builder of customizable products, we can migrate it, we can update it, we can make it better. Period.

The truth is you are losing revenue, conversions and traffic every single day your webstore remains on an inferior or unsupported platform like Magento 1. Not to mention the security risks you invite on yourself and your customers if your webstore isn’t updated properly or neglected.

Migrating and updating your webstore may seem like a gargantuan task, fraught with unknowns and dangers, but it’s not with InteractOne. With more than 20 years of eCommerce experience specializing in Magento, BigCommerce and WordPress there’s very little our veteran Development team hasn’t seen, built or fixed.

No matter your webstore’s current platform or level of customization the expert InteractOne Development team provides the advice, customized design, and development talent required to plan and execute a simple update or a complete migration.

Reasons to Move to Magento 2.x

Making the move to Magento 2.x offers a wide variety of benefits that merchants will appreciate.

Scalable and Flexible

With optimized web pages for faster delivery and accelerated server response times, M2 boasts even greater scalability and flexibility. M2 delivers better performance with more built-in tools.


Better Reporting

M2 features a built-in SEO and reporting feature that merchants can easily access in the back-end of their website. The customizable dashboard makes it even simpler to track the metrics that matter most.

Powerful and Fast

M2 boasts a 50% better loading speed and 38% faster checkout when compared to M1. Merchants can rest easy knowing that M2 can also handle over 2 million page views per hour and 123k+ orders.

Time is up

Support for Magento 1 has officially ended. If you’re still operating on M1 you are leaving your eCommerce site exposed and you’re already behind your competitors. Make the switch to M2 today.

Popular eCommerce Platforms

Our expertise and professional web development services focus on Adobe Commerce, Magento Open Source, BigCommerce and WordPress for lead gen or branding sites. We design and develop custom themes for each platform as well as customize and tailor both front-end and back-end experiences custom to each client.

And, if you’re unsure which platform is right for you, then our experienced and knowledgeable development team can work with you to determine which platform best fits your needs and budget, based on your unique needs.

Featured Case Studies

We assist in storytelling, product customization, lead conversion, and more! We follow site development and coding best practices and stay up to date on current trends. We deliver effective websites where functionality compliments the design. We urge you to view our work as the results speak for themselves.


Sporty’s chose InteractOne for maintenance and support services to resolve indexing performance issues as well as implementing features to enhance the newly updated site.


InteractOne was tasked with fixing their Magento 2 site; removing technical debt, including bugs, deployment and performance issues.

Shoe Sensation

InteractOne was tasked with upgrading an existing omni-channel website to provide a smoother user experience from start to finish.

InteractOne in Numbers

Our company has decades of experience and an abundance of successful clients.

Years in Business

Million in annual client merchant revenue

Years working with Magento

The Migration Process

Success demands that each step in the migration process be clearly outlined and regularly updated and reviewed. InteractOne assigns an experienced Project Manager to each M2 site build endeavor to liaise with the merchant’s team and manage the InteractOne development team throughout the life of the project, ensuring that the new site launches on time. Here is an overview of our proven  process:

1. Analysis

We begin by analyzing the requirements of the project and investigate the functionality and extensions in use on the current site.

2. Migration

We then implement the new site’s user interface and migrate order and customer data, product information, as well as custom modules.

3. Customization

We add any needed customizations and enhancements, then optimize the site structure for strong SEO and site performance.

4. Launch

We go through a strenuous go-live process to launch the new site, while also beginning post-launch monitoring and support.

eCommerce Experts You Can Count On

We understand how vital your eCommerce website is to your business. That’s why we’ve assembled an all-star team of M1 and M2 certified developers that are guaranteed to get your site migration right.

Our work

Development Services Case Studies

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: BASCO

SEO Case Study: Tarps Now

SEO Case Study: World Wide Art

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: AccuTec IHS

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    Phone (USA): (513) 469-3362

    250 East Fifth Street 15th Floor PMB 664
    Cincinnati, OH 45202