What Gets Measured Gets Done

Meet Your Business Objectives with Measurable Results

It’s not just about number crunching – it’s about what you do with those findings.

InteractOne’s philosophy has always been that to move our client’s eCommerce performance to the next level, the site must be quantitatively driven.  Every decision that is made is driven by the numbers. Everything is A/B tested for continual improvement – ads are tested; copy is tested; button placement and colors are tested – every aspect of the site is constantly reviewed, and re-reviewed to obtain that one-one hundredth percent increase in conversion. When we do that across the site, it’s a significant increase in total conversion. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), is the heart of that function.

We start with a holistic Site Audit to gather analytics and understand how customers are engaging with your site interface. Our complete approach to conversion rate optimization is more than just a website heat map. It is an all-encompassing investigation for uncovering the potential within your website. 

Beyond CRO, on a quarterly basis we’ll do a deeper dive into the site’s core metrics – number of visitors, stickiness, where and how are new visitors being acquired, what marketing initiatives are driving the site and which are underperforming. All the top-level data that’s critical in driving the site’s success.

Primary Benefits of InteractOne eCommerce Analytics Management

  • Discover the power of data visualization
  • View critical KPIs in real-time
  • Save time with reporting efficiencies
  • Receive monthly actionable recommendations to improve digital marketing ROI.

Our work

Case Studies

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: BASCO

SEO Case Study: Tarps Now

SEO Case Study: World Wide Art

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: AccuTec IHS

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    Cincinnati, OH 45202