Reach New Customers with Email Marketing

Personalize Your Content to Meet Your Customer’s Needs

Nuture, Engage & Convert Customers

People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Email gives you the ability to build credibility with your audience by sharing helpful and informative content.

If you want to build strong customer relationships, it’s important to have an effective tool to communicate with the people who matter most to your business. Email gives you the ability to stay top-of-mind and keep people engaged with your business during your busy season and the slower times of the year.

Email marketing gives you the metrics you need to see how your emails are performing. These insights help you market smarter, and also give you the advantage of better understanding the needs and interests of your customer base. With email, you’re able to easily track how your different campaigns are performing, and get the results you’re looking for right away.

InteractOne has expertise in all phases of eCommerce-focused eMail marketing. And we are a preferred partner with the most powerful eMail tools including dotDigital, Klaviyo, Marketo, Hubspot, and Listrak, so you can be sure your messages will be delivered and displayed properly and tracked.

If necessary, and based on requirements discovery discussions, we may start by recommending an eMail Service Provider (ESP) that best meets your needs. We will install and configure the module in your Magento or BigCommerce installation. For other platforms we work with the client to determine the best path forward. We also train members of the client team on the functionality and use of ​the new ESP​. Clients quickly learn that eMail marketing is the least costly and the highest conversion tool in its arsenal.

Our full arsenal of eMail services include:

  • Email strategy development
  • Platform implementation & management
  • Marketo, Hubspot, Listrak, DotDigital, Klaviyo, and others
  • Database eMail address verification processes
  • eMail opt-in functionality and recruitment campaigns
  • Brand appropriate eMail template development
  • Multi-faceted eMail campaign development and execution
  • Segmentation processes and consulting
  • A/B testing to determine best performance
  • Meaningful analytics and consulting/recommendations for improvements to the system

Our work

Digital Marketing Services Case Studies

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: BASCO

SEO Case Study: Tarps Now

SEO Case Study: World Wide Art

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: AccuTec IHS

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    250 East Fifth Street 15th Floor PMB 664
    Cincinnati, OH 45202