Paid Search for Fast Visibility

Custom Display Ads that Remind Customers to Revisit Your Site

Digital advertising often takes a back seat to the technical activity of building and maintaining an eCommerce store. While there are important technical and functional aspects to your eCommerce site, what really drives success is a thorough understanding of your customers’ purchasing behavior. We offer the insight provided by decades of business experience, consumer and retail marketing expertise and the most current technical know-how available.

Paid Search

Pay-per-click keyword advertising is the fastest way to efficiently drive targeted traffic to your website. With paid search, you are attracting people who are already searching for your product or service. We start with a Key Phrase Analysis, which is based on your current site traffic and competitive strategies. We use the results of this analysis to create hard-hitting, effective Paid Search ads and landing pages. And we provide actionable reporting to you along the way, as well as recommendations to optimize campaigns based on your goals.

Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads are campaigns for specific products, generated using your own website’s product feed, listed in search engine shopping results. The quality of your product feed helps improve click through rates, cost per click and overall conversion rate. Optimizing your product feed often requires customization. This customization will create more dynamic ad titles with keywords from custom fields or product attributes, along with high-res product images provides a more engaging ad than what a normal product feed generator can provide. Managing these optimization tactics closely allows you to decrease wasted spend and increase your conversion rate.


Remarketing advertising isn’t just for “big data” players. When a targeted prospect or customer leaves your website, remarketing campaigns display your ads on other sites the prospect visits after they have left your site. Benefits of remarketing campaigns include:

  • Drives prospects and customers back to your site
  • Reduces shopping cart abandonment
  • Provides better audience segmentation
  • Builds brand awareness

Social Media Advertising

Social Media platforms have become powerful and efficient venues allowing marketers to easily engage with users of these platforms. InteractOne has the skill set and experience to help you determine the right mix of Social Media Advertising based on your target markets and implement a successful program.

Analytics, Reporting, and Program Optimization

Continued monitoring and reporting of your online marketing results are essential to their viability and success. InteractOne implements analytics tools based on your goals and provides critical mid-course adjustments to ensure your investment pays dividends with increased traffic and conversions. (Learn more about our philosophy about the importance of overall eCommerce analytics here.)

Google Adwords Certified

Google bestows a professional certification on individuals who have demonstrated a knowledge and mastery of the advanced aspects of Google Adwords. The team at InteractOne features a number of members who have earned this Adwords certification and are recognized as experts in online advertising. More importantly, InteractOne has the knowledge and expertise to build and maintain Google campaigns that will connect your business with the real and relevant audience you’re searching for.

Our work

Digital Marketing Services Case Studies

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: BASCO

SEO Case Study: Tarps Now

SEO Case Study: World Wide Art

SEO/Paid SEM Case Study: AccuTec IHS

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    Cincinnati, OH 45202