For this month’s Orange Report, we’re resolving your speed, accessibility and customer care concerns. Like always, we encourage everyone using Magento to make the most of its functionalities by incorporating the very best Magento extensions and news.

Aitoc - Pre-Orders

Seasonal supply variations, manufacturing delays, and other factors can quickly zero out inventory of popular items. Pre-orders replaces the “Buy Now” button and displays an expected arrival date on the product page for selected products. The extension enables the merchant to receive advance payments for products that carry a status of pre-ordered or backordered and has granular control over order status for purchases having mixed in-stock and pre-order items.

Goivvy - Call For Price

Some merchants just can’t display prices on certain products – often due to vendor agreements or MAP restrictions. This is a pretty minimal extension, so make sure to provide a useful and informative alternative to the price and shopping cart. Merchants who are considering using a feature like this because they have complex products, please give InteractOne a yell, instead; we’d love to show you some alternative approaches!

Bsscommerce - Configurable Product Wholesale Display

Provides a simplified, attribute-based grid or drop-down view of child products for a smoother path to bulk ordering configurable products. Includes tooltips and clickable options that can help cut down on purchase support requests and increase conversion. Advanced tier pricing can be applied per child product, versus the entire order.

Cart2Quote - Cart2Quote/Not2Order

We’re in favor of merchants using Magento to sell, not to just catalog or display products. But we know there are times when a current business model or complex configurations might make quoting necessary. This pair of extensions allows B2B and retail merchants to designate quote-only products and choose when to display prices. Once sent, quotes can include a cart so that the customer can complete their order within Magento.