For this month’s Orange Report, we’re resolving your speed, accessibility and customer care concerns. Like always, we encourage everyone using Magento to make the most of its functionalities by incorporating the very best Magento extensions and news.

Tigren - Progressive Web Apps

It’s an app. No, it’s an extension. No, it’s the next big thing! Push notifications, one-tap access, instant load with no-or-poor signal, and works with your already responsive site – those all sound like good ideas. Google is pushing PWA technology, so it’s probably worth thinking about.

Various Developers - Magento Themes

If you’re thinking you’re going to save a pile of cash by using a Magento theme, we’d encourage further thought. We’ve worked with clients who came to us with custom themes already installed. These things are the sketchy carnival food of the extension world; You just don’t know what’s in them. However, they’re cheap and Magento lets you have multiple themes. You could turn it off and decide not to use it. Maybe it’ll turn out great. (If so, please let us know!)

Aheadworks - Layered Navigation

Magento has great navigation aids straight out of the box. Layered navigation adds more flexibility and usability for displayed navigation and filtering options. One key feature is that no page refresh is required while a user selects filters.

Ryzeo - Browse Abandonment

If trying to defeat the scourge of cart abandonment hasn’t left you exhausted, you can ratchet it up a notch. Browse abandonment picks up where remarketing leaves off, actively going after users who try to leave the site, collecting emails and sending emails based on visit patterns. Features granular control over when emails are sent, triggers, notifications and templates.