Running a successful B2B eCommerce business requires a lot of teamwork. From marketing and product development to fulfillment and customer service, each role is critical to the success of your online shop. In our previous blog, How to Build a Successful B2B eCommerce Team, we analyzed the strategy for building a team. In Part 2 of this series, we’ll look at who to staff on your B2B eCommerce team so that your vision can be executed. 

Without further to-do, here are five key roles you need on your B2B team to make your eCommerce business thrive.


The old saying goes, “a business is only as good as its management.” Old sayings and clichés become so ubiquitous and a part of our day-to-day lives because they are often true. And this is no different when it comes to managing an eCommerce team. A competent eCommerce manager is essential for ensuring that a business runs smoothly and efficiently. No matter what staff or plan you have in place, it will be for nothing if you fail as a manager or select the wrong team leader. A good manager must plan and organize work tasks, delegate responsibilities, and keep track of progress all while strategizing and keeping an eye on the long term. A successful manager must be able to spot potential problems and take steps to resolve them before they become serious. In short, a successful manager is essential for ensuring that a business runs smoothly and meets goals. In this current marketplace with all its unique challenges, finding and retaining a manager who can be all these things for you may be the toughest HR test to complete. Let’s be frank; it’s much easier to fill many other roles we’ve discussed through gig sites like Fiverr or Upwork, staffing firms, networking, or simple outreach. But you can’t afford to have a revolving door or an incompetent person in your manager role and still expect your eCommerce store to run well. This role is your highest priority.

Digital Copywriter

When it comes to B2B eCommerce, a qualified and experienced copywriter is truly crucial. These professionals understand the language and selling points that appeal to online businesses. More importantly, they effectively communicate these points through website content, product descriptions, advertisements, emails, social posts, and more. For the sake of conversation, let’s say you are in the financial services industry and require a copywriter. You may have a financial services copywriter at your disposal with a long track record of traditional marketing, but if they lack experience writing in the digital space, their financial services expertise may be lost on your audience. Writing for a digital audience differs entirely from writing for print or other traditional marketing avenues. The strategies that work in a mailer or a brochure do not always translate to social posts and subject lines. 

A skilled B2B copywriter also knows how to incorporate essential keywords for SEO purposes, helping your eCommerce site rank higher on search engines. In addition, they provide insights on how to engage B2B customers through email campaigns, social media strategies, and other digital marketing tactics. Overall, having an experienced B2B copywriter on your eCommerce team can increase sales inquiries and conversions in a highly competitive market.

Web Developer

For any business working in the digital space, having a highly skilled web developer on your B2B eCommerce team isn’t just a significant asset; it’s a must. Your website is often the first point of contact for potential B2B clients, and a well-designed site with smooth functionality can make all the difference in closing a sale. An experienced web developer also helps you stay ahead of current trends and technologies, ensuring that your own B2B eCommerce efforts are modern and effective and can be applied to your clients. Developers also see a unique set of problems and pain points than creative types since they are the ones working the back-end of websites. They see for themselves what logistically works and what doesn’t. They provide valuable user experience insights, helping improve customer satisfaction and increase conversions. Their unique insights can be used to build better sales campaigns, troubleshoot problems, and present a greater image of your company. Also, having a developer on staff will make your digital life much easier. There will always be functionality and programming issues arising from your site and its various appendages, and you’ll need a developer to fix them.


When it comes to B2B eCommerce, having a talented designer on your team makes a huge difference in your status and public perception. A good designer has the skills and experience to create visually appealing and professional web pages and promotional material. They understand the importance of functionality, ensuring that your company’s visual messaging matches the intended audience and your own internal standards. The odds are that the first exposure potential clients have to your brand will be created by your designer. Whether that’s a display ad, a social media post, or the header image on an email, your designer will have had a hand in creating that. As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The branded material you share with the world needs to make a strong impression that informs and directs your audience to take action. You can’t expect clients to put their faith in you if the elements that bear your company name aren’t good enough.

Marketing Director

Having a strong leader at the helm of your team is crucial. This level of leadership goes for any organization in any line of work. An experienced marketing director understands the intricacies of B2B sales and how to navigate the digital world. They also bring a wealth of expertise on how to reach and communicate with other businesses effectively. Furthermore, a skilled leader will know how to guide their team towards success, ensuring that all efforts are strategically aligned with overall company goals. In short, B2B eCommerce is a unique and ever-evolving space, so take notice of the value of an experienced marketing director as your team’s captain.

As a business-to-business company, a marketing director needs to think and plan for the long term. They need to have a strong understanding of current trends in eCommerce and how they may change in the future. This level of experience requires not only being able to analyze data and consumer behavior but also having creativity and foresight when it comes to developing marketing strategies. In addition, the marketing director must serve as a leader within the company, inspiring and guiding their team towards successful campaigns that drive profits and meet our long-term goals. A successful B2B marketing director must think about more than just the here and now but envision where we want to be in the future and create a plan to get there

Bringing it all together

Now that you know what your B2B eCommerce team needs and who they need, it’s time to get to work! We hope this guide comes in handy. But remember, there is no better teacher than ‘doing.’ So go find your eCommerce all-stars, put our strategies to work and always be nimble.

If you’d like a little more guidance on the B2B marketplace and how to succeed, book a chat with one of our team members today.

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